The Economy in Galati

The County of Galati has an industrial-agricultural based economy. The industry and services are mainly concentrated in the urban centers, while the rural areas are mostly engaged in agricultural activities. The statistics regarding the number of traders located in the urban areas of the county show that most of them - 86% - carry out their activities in Galati. The other city, Tecuci, hosts 11% of the traders, while Beresti and Târgu-Bujor record lower percentages – 0,4 %, respectively 1,5%.
It is also important to mention the high percentage of commerce activities and the low number of units which carry out their activities in industry, constructions and agriculture. This situation varies from year to year.
In the national economy, Galati County is the main hot metal, steel and plates producer and the second producer in the country in what regards the production of maritime ships.
The main industrial sectors are metallurgy and naval constructions. The metallurgical industry in Galati, represented by the ArcelorMittal Steel Plant, accounts for 55,6% of the country’s total steel production, 55% of the laminated production and 90,5% of the plates and cold rolled coils production. More than two thirds of the metallurgical production is exported. The naval industry, represented by Damen Shipyards Galati, has a vast tradition in the city and supplies the fluvial and maritime fleet with ships up to 65,000 dwt (barges, bulk-carriers, ore ships, tugs, oil tankers) and offshore oil platforms.
Galati is one of the biggest commercial traffic hubs in Romania, connected to main European communication channels:
Railways ensure the transfer from the European standard gauge to the broad gauge used in the post soviet countries, while the access to the Rhine-Main-Danube Channel, which connects the North Sea to the Black Sea is done by water way
Agriculture has an important role in the economy of the city, due to the arable surface exploited, the number of animals and birds and the technical potential in land improvements and use of tractors and agricultural machinery.
Used in agriculture activities, Galati county has 358,456 ha, out of which 289,800 ha represent arable land, 42,771 pastures, 548 ha hay lands, 23,050 ha vineyards and root stock nurseries and 2,287 ha orchards. The county also has 44,881 ha forests and other lands with forest vegetation, 13,047 ha water surfaces and ponds, as well as 30,278 ha representing other surfaces.
Therefore, the agriculture has the benefit of a series of natural resources, which if used properly, can play an important role in the economic and social development of the county.
Agriculture is also an important sector for the regional economy: about 40% of the occupied population works in this sector, which adds 16% to the regional GDP. The lands that are cultivated have the potential to develop further in the future and here we have to mention the vegetable growers in Tecuci and especially those in Matca, who are famous across the country and even in Europe, the vegetable growers in Galati (Badalan and Vanatori areas) and the agricultural exploitations which have been achieving great results for many years, both in what regards the vegetable production and zoo technical production.